"With an average annual rainfall of 1,170 mm, India is one of the wettest countries in the world. Still, even with its rich natural water resources, with more than 300,000 square meters of bodies of water, the country is plagued by environmental issues such as water pollution from raw sewage and runoff of agricultural pesticides (Sharma, 2005). Another major problem is that tap water is not potable throughout the country. This implies that people, especially those from the lower income bracket, cannot avail of clean drinking water, since these have to be bought. Repugnant as it may sound, it is a reality that millions of Indians queue up everyday at public taps for one of life's most precious commodity — water." -ADB

Thursday, 18 February 2010

WATER 2010-Two Day International Conference & Exposition on Water Management & Waste Water Technologies ended in New Delhi.


The water availability scenario in India is expected to worsen further due to 
  • population growth
  • increase in consumption levels and 
  • depletion of ground water resources. 

Socio-political considerations have affected the tariff setting process(unlike in Electricity Sector) and water tariff for the domestic and irrigation sector has not been adequate, resulting in poor management and wastage. In the next two decades, global water consumption is expected to increase from the present 4500 billion cubic metres (bcm) to 6900 bcm. This will be 40% more than the estimated reliable and sustainable supply today, if no action is taken to conserve water and use it more efficiently. 

Untreated waste water discharge has further resulted in pollution of fresh water resources. It is in this context, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Northern Region is organizing ‘Water 2010’ - an exclusive Conference & Exposition on Water Management & Waste Water Technologies on Wednesday, 17th and Thursday, 18th February 2010 at India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi.
MoWR  co-sponsored the event and  Sh Pawan Kr Bansal,the Hon'ble Minister  attended the Inaugural Session.

The broad objective of the two day event is to highlight issues related to water sector in India, current and forecast water availability in India and methods to improve the situation through conservation of water, restoration of water and recycling of wastewater. The exposition will showcase water products, services, technologies and applications and is expected to attract visitors from government agencies, water companies and utilities, water operators and managers, contractors, engineers, architects and other professionals in the water industry from India and overseas, searching for the latest information on products and services, solutions and upcoming projects in the industry. Coinciding with the exposition, CII is organizing a conference that will also explore issues relating to the regulatory and governance framework as well as investigate potential commercially viable models and way forward for tapping opportunities for corporate sector in the areas of Water Management  & Waste Water Technologies.

Public Private Partnership (PPP) from Sandip Verma's Site

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Growth Potential of Water Industry-Some thoughts

"By 2030, more than a third of the world’s population will live in severely water-stressed areas. We therefore expect water to grow from being a marginal issue to one that is central to all parts of the economy. We also consider water comprehensively, linking the challenge of managing water “upstream” as a critical natural resource, with “downstream” provision of clean water to users."--Mckinsey

The entire world is currently facing a boom in infrastructure construction.The Emerging economies are trying to improve their industrial productivity and raise the standard of living of the people, and developed countries are trying to develop their existing economic standard and modernize their infrastructure.  
Recently, the media has focused on the importance of water as the most vital commodity of future. They feel water will be the most crucial commodity in the future.It is believed that the water industry is a happening industry and in the next twenty years the total investment in the water industry is expected to be around $6 trillion (according to Global Water Services 2007 from Siemens Financial Services).The water sector has also gained importance recently and may become the single largest infrastructure market in due course.Water sector will become the first infrastructure sector in which the politicians shall have to keep aside their ideological concerns around the use of Public Private Partnerships (PPP). The need to provide safe and clean water is much more important than any other infrastructure requirement.
Three types of projects which can be identified while considering the PPP projects are 
  • water collection and treatment plants;
  • wastewater recycling facilities and 
  • water services which governments traditionally look to provide.
Most of the water facilities are not based on the advanced technologies. It will cost large amount of moneys for the set up of the water infrastructure market. The private sector markets are yet to develop. So while water occupies 70% of our planet, its infrastructure still needs specific attention.
( Source:big4.com)

Further Reading : 
Growing competition for scarce water resources is a growing business risk, a major economic threat, and a challenge for the sustainability of communities and the ecosystems upon which they rely. It is an issue that has serious implications for the stability of countries in which businesses operate, and for industries whose value chains are exposed to water scarcity.

(This Report offers case studies from four countries with drastically different water issues, which will collectively account for 40 percent of the world’s population, 30 percent of global GDP and 42 percent of projected water demand in 2030: China, India, South Africa and Brazil. The report’s methodology identifies supply- and demand-side measures that could constitute a more cost effective approach to closing the water gap and achieve savings in each country.)

    Next-generation water policy for businesses and government

    Next-generation water policy for businesses and government

    The solution to water scarcity, in part, will come from new technologies for better managing water as a resource. But to make these technologies more effective, business and policy leaders will need to work more closely to implement them.

    Energy, Resources, Materials, Strategy & Analysis article, 
Next-generation water policy for businesses and government

    In This Article

    Water insecurity looms as one of the great challenges of the 21st century, and it is one that policy makers and business leaders must face together. Policy makers recognize that certain technologies being developed by leading companies are critical tools for effectively managing scarce water supplies. But business leaders must do more to help shape the understanding of how good policies make it possible for technologies to be productive—and how ineffective ones do the reverse.
    Public-sector leaders and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have long dominated the debate on water policy, but within the last five years, a growing number of progressive private-sector companies have also started to lend their perspectives on how best to effectively manage water. These companies have begun by paying much more attention to the water environment in which they function. As they develop a new generation of water-related technologies, they also increasingly influence a new generation of public policies that stimulate the development and use of these technologies. Here is how a number of them are engaging along both of these dimensions.
    One group of companies, including beverage, mining, and energy businesses, has found that growing water scarcity constitutes a threat to their social license to operate. In response, some have made large donations to activist groups in the hopes of buying peace. Others have asked for water standards that they can then meet in their plants. The most far-sighted of these companies, however—with NestlĂ© as a leading example—recognize that while companies have to manage water efficiently behind their factory gate, society (along with companies and their suppliers) needs an equitable, efficiency-stimulating, and predictable legal and regulatory environment that governs all water uses. These companies also believe that private businesses have useful and legitimate inputs to make into the policy-formulation process, and that good business practices can guide effective implementation.
    A second group of companies is developing technologies that can enable society to get more product—more food, energy, income, employment—per drop of water. There are three broad segments. The first comprises companies that develop productivity-enhancing seeds and agricultural technologies. Because agriculture accounts for more than 80 percent of water consumption in the developing world and because the productivity gains of the last round of agricultural technologies (the “green revolution”) have fallen to less than 1 percent a year (from about 3 percent a year in the 1960s), these innovations are vital for better water management. The importance of genetically modified organism (GMO) crops—a core agricultural technology—is illustrated by the contrasting performance of corn in Europe, where GMOs are not allowed, and in Iowa, where 90 percent of corn is grown from using GMOs. In the last ten years, corn yields in Europe have stagnated, while in the United States productivity has grown at over 2 percent a year. Existing GMOs already use substantially lower amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, and water. And some new-generation crops will be better able to thrive despite water stress.
    A second segment of companies is developing new technologies for treating water and wastewater. The process of desalination illustrates the importance in this area. The laws of thermodynamics state that it is theoretically possible to desalinate seawater by using only 25 percent of the energy currently required to do so through existing technologies. If new developments in, for example, nanotechnology and membranes allow even half of this potential to be realized, the cost of desalination will fall to a level where most cities and industries in coastal areas throughout the world can turn to it as the new source of choice. The third segment comprises companies that provide users with just-in-time and just-what’s-needed information—such as on the probability of rainfall, on soil moisture, on water, and on fertilizer requirements. This is essential for energy consumption, domestic use of water, and, most important, for agriculture. Precision agriculture can produce much more crop per drop than traditional methods can, and industries and cities can use much less water too.
    Executives at these leading companies know that progress in water management depends on linked advancement in technologies and policies. They have seen instances in some countries where policy shortcomings mean that many existing technologies that make more efficient use of water are not being fully employed. This has prompted a growing number of companies to engage with policy makers to ensure that key policies—such as tradeable water rights, support for intellectual-property rights, and efficiency-enhancing regulation—are implemented. In conversations with policy makers, corporate leaders highlight examples like the Murray-Darling Basin, in Australia, where an enabling policy environment means that a 70 percent reduction in water availability has had virtually no impact on agricultural production. In situations like this, policy makers know that what is needed is a “next generation” of technologies that will enable society to do more with less. And they know that the key to achieving this is a legal and business policy environment that stimulates the development of the next generation of water efficiency technologies.
    Although the glass may certainly look half empty, it is also half full, not least because progressive business leaders understand that water scarcity is an issue that will affect their industries, suppliers, and the communities in which they work—and they’ve stepped into the policy area to help shape solutions. And as they have, policy leaders have begun to better understand the private-sector’s contributions and to draft more effective enabling regulations. But more business and policy leaders need to follow the lead of their progressive colleagues. That is how we will secure further development of new technologies and the formulation and implementation of a new generation of water-management policies.
    About the Author
    John Briscoe is the Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Environmental Engineering at Harvard University and is on the faculty of the schools of engineering and applied sciences, government, and public health.

    Some of the Water Related Topics on India at HKS-Belfer Center

    (Abstract: We suggest a three-pronged approach to an enhanced growth strategy for India. The first prong is export-led growth. Here the lessons of China are particularly instructive, since China achieved in the past fifteen years the kind of export-led growth that India could have achieved, but failed to do so, because of poor public policies. The second prong is rural improvement, especially in the vast population of the Gangetic valley. India needs a specific strategy to bring modern economic growth to rural India, through a concerted campaign of infrastructure upgrading and appropriate re-design of state policy. The third prong is the maintenance of macroeconomic stability, to avoid the kind of crisis that pushed East Asia into economic collapse. The macroeconomic stakes have obviously been raised in the past year. India=s macroeconomic policies will be under scrutiny as perhaps never before following the onset of the East Asian financial crisis.)

    (India has been experiencing sustained high economic growth in the recent years. However, there still exists substantial amount of unacceptable poverty among the people in the country. The expressions of symptoms of such poverty include among others inadequate educational and health attainment of the people and lack of access to basic amenities like modern clean energy, safe water and sanitation, which are crucial determinants of human capability development. The eleventh five-year plan of India, which has recently been initiated, has taken the approach of inclusive faster growth for the development of the Indian economy. The basic paper on which the seminar will be based analyses the implications of this high inclusive growth for removing poverty and inequity, in respect of the twin challenges of environmental sustainability of the required energy growth and energy security in India. The energy security is discussed both in the sense of removal of energy poverty and that of reducing the level of vulnerability of the economy in the face of oil price rise as experienced in the recent years. It addresses particularly the question of linkage between income poverty and energy poverty and the implication of energy poverty alleviation in India in respect of global environmental sustainability. It further discusses in this context the instrumental role of choice of fuel and technology (like bio-fuel among others) and institutional changes like economic reforms in determining the energy efficiency as well as energy security of India. It finally addresses certain selected policy issues from macroeconomic perspective including that of policy linkage between energy security and food security in the context of bio-liquids development in India.)
    (Calestous Juma teaches at Harvard Kennedy School and was a major contributor to the World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change)

    Thursday, 11 February 2010

    Cascading Hydro Power Projects and Environmental Impact on the Valley/Basin

    Cascading Hydro Power Projects and Environmental Impact on the Valley/Basin is hotly debated subject even in India especially when many such projects at Arunachal and Uttarakhand are coming up for environmental clearance at MoEF. Its very important that developers keep some (gap)head left between TWL of Project I and and FRL of Project II at downstream so that river maintains it natural gravity flow and does not become a "dead pool" in the longer run.

    These days, Baseline/EIA/EMP reports are  being discussed only after hydrology aspects is cleared  by the project proponents at MoEF.

    It is interesting to note that Project Authorities will have scheme/project specific approach whereas Policy Planner must see all single project  from broader angle-mainly from Basin or, Valley approach.

    1. For minimum flow requirement(EFR) , policy planners do  suggest a minimum  "15% of average lean season discharge" at downstream of each project. The bigger the flow the better the sustainability. Large flow will let domestic users(human,livestock ,flaura and fauna) survive.Fishes and other fauna will live happily even though ,in the long run, domestic needs go on increasing as the valley gets populated further.
    2. Most of the times, Project proponents must conduct "Mathematical Modeling Study" using either hydrological or building block method to determine the downstream discharge through Independent Agencies(like NIH, Roorkee and Other reputed institutions/university) and take the higher of the two values( As in (1) and (2) )
    Finally,There are issues in  Hydrology like lack of  enough G&D stations at high altitude, lack of  rainfall data in  some of the remoted terrains of  India and  IMD and MoWR must look into these aspects and invest more  in  investigations projects (via CWC Field offices) to get  more authentic REAL Time data ready in coming years when private/public project proponents can help India bridge the energy gap.
    Some Discussions at indiawaterportal.org

    A sample snap of Automatic Weather Station

    Thursday, 4 February 2010

    WHO:List of publications in alphabetical order

    WHO | Publications on water, sanitation and health: "List of publications in alphabetical order"

    Publications on water, sanitation and health

    WSH publications page illustration

    Action plan for the reduction of reliance on DDT in disease vector control

    Agricultural development and vector-borne diseases

    Aide-mémoire for a national strategy for health-care waste management

    Analysis of wastewater for use in agriculture: A laboratory manual of parasitological and bacteriological techniques

    Asia Water Watch 2015

    Assessing microbial safety of drinking water: Improving approaches and methods

    Better health care waste management: An integral component of health investment

    Calcium and Magnesium in Drinking-water: Public health significance

    Celebrating water for life: The International Decade for Action 2005-2015

    Chemical safety of drinking-water: Assessing priorities for risk management

    Children in the new millennium

    Combating waterborne disease at the household level

    Core questions on drinking-water and sanitation for household surveys

    Costs and benefits of water and sanitation improvements at the global level (Evaluation of the)

    Domestic water quantity, service level and health

    Emerging issues in water and infectious diseases

    Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide

    Environmental management for vector control

    Essential Environmental Health Standards in Health Care

    European standards for drinking water, second edition

    Evaluation of the H2S method for the detection of fecal contamination of drinking-water

    Fact sheets on environmental sanitation

    Findings on an assessment of small-scale incinerators for health-care waste

    Flowing away: water and health opportunities

    Fluoride in drinking-water

    Food, water and family health: A manual for community educators

    Global costs of attaining the Millennium Development Goal for water supply and sanitation

    Global environmental threats to children related to water and sanitation

    Global water supply and sanitation assessment 2000 report

    Guide to the development of on-site sanitation

    Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality, Second Addendum to the 3rd Edition Volume 1 - Recommendations

    Guidelines for drinking-water quality, third edition

    Guidelines for drinking-water quality, third edition, incorporating first and second addenda

    Guidelines for safe disposal of unwanted pharmaceuticals in and after emergencies

    Guidelines for safe recreational waters
    Volume 2 - Swimming pools and similar recreational-water environments

    Guidelines for safe recreational waters
    Volume 1 - Coastal and fresh waters

    Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater and excreta in agriculture and aquaculture

    Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater. Volume 1: Policy and regulatory aspects

    Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater. Volume 2: Wastewater use in agriculture

    Guidelines for the safe use of wastwater, excreta and greywater. Volume 3: Wastewater and excreta use in aquaculture

    Guidelines for the safe use of wastwater, excreta and greywater. Volume 4: Excreta and greywater use in agriculture

    Health as a cross-cutting issue in Dialogues on Water for Food and the Environment

    Health aspects of plumbing

    Health impact assessment: harmonization, mainstreaming and capacity building

    Health opportunities in development

    Health risks in aquifer recharge using reclaimed water - State of the art report

    Health-based monitoring of recreational waters

    Health-care waste management rapid assessment tool

    Healthy villages: A guide for communities and community health

    Heterotrophic plate counts and drinking-water safety: The significance of HPCs for water quality and the human health

    Inheriting the world:
    The atlas of children's health and the environment

    International small community water supply network: report of the second meeting, Alice Springs, Australia, July 2005

    Intersectoral decision-making skills in support of health impact assessment of development projects

    Leakage management and control: A best practice training manual

    Legionella and the prevention of legionellosis

    Linking poverty reduction and water management

    Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance in the context of community water supply and sanitation: A reference document for planners and project staff

    Looking back: Looking ahead

    Management of solid health-care waste at primary health-care centres: A decision-making guide

    Management of waste from injection activities at district level

    Management of wastes from immunisation campaign activities: Practical guidelines for planners and managers

    Managing water in the home: accelerated health gains from improved water supply

    Meeting the MDG drinking-water and sanitation target: A mid-term assessment of progress

    Meeting the MDG drinking-water and sanitation target: the urban and rural challenge of the decade

    Mercury in health care

    Microbiological agents in drinking water

    Monitoring bathing waters: A practical guide to the design and implementation of assessments and monitoring programmes

    Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

    Nutrients in drinking-water

    Occurrence of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins) in surface water of rural Bangladesh: pilot study

    Operation and maintenance of rural water supply and sanitation systems: A training package for managers and planners

    Participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation: A new approach to working with communities

    Pathogenic mycobacteria in water: A guide to public health consequences, monitoring and management

    PEEM Guidelines 1
    Guidelines for the Incorporation of Health Safeguards into Irrigation Projects through Intersectoral Cooperation with special reference to the vector-borne diseases

    PEEM Guidelines 2
    Guidelines for forecasting the vector-borne disease implications of water resources development

    PEEM Guidelines 3
    Guidelines for cost-effectiveness analysis of vector control

    PHAST step-by-step guide: A participatory approach for the control of diarrhoeal diseases

    Policies and Procedures for updating Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality

    Policy analysis: Management of health-care wastes

    Preparation of national health-care waste management plans in sub-saharan countries

    Preventing travellers' diarrhoea: How to make drinking-water safe

    Progress on Drinking-water and Sanitation: special focus on sanitation

    Protecting groundwater for health

    Quantifying public health risks in the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality

    Rapid assessment of correlations between remotely sensed data and malaria prevalence in the Menoreh Hills area of Central Java, Indonesia

    Reducing and eliminating the use of persistent organic pesticides: Guidance on alternative strategies for sustainable pest and vector management

    Review of latest available evidence on risks to human health through potential transmission of avian influenza (H5N1) through water and sewage

    Risk assessment of Cryptosporidium in drinking water

    Safe health-care waste management : Policy paper

    Safe management of wastes from healthcare activities

    Safe piped water: Managing microbial water quality in piped distribution systems

    Safer water, better health

    Sanitation and hygiene promotion: programming guidance

    Sanitation challenge: Turning commitment into reality

    Sanitation on ships: compendium of outbreaks of foodborne and waterborne disease and Legionnaires's disease associated with ships, 1970-2000

    Sanitation promotion

    Scaling Up Household Water Treatment Among Low-Income Populations

    Securing sanitation: The compelling case to address the crisis

    Slow sand filtration

    Small community water supply network
    Reykjavik, Iceland, 24-26 January 2005

    Surveillance of drinking water quality

    Teacher's guide: management of wastes from health-care activities

    Tools for assessing the operation and maintenance status of water supply and sanitation in developing countries

    Toxic cyanobacteria in water: A guide to their public health consequences, monitoring and management

    UN-Water Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS)

    Upgrading water treatment plants

    Vector control: Methods for use by individuals and communities

    Vision 2030: The resilience of water supply and sanitation in the face of climate change

    Water and health advocacy: A practical guide for World Water Day 2001

    Water and sanitation related diseases fact sheets

    Water for Health

    Water for life: Making it happen

    Water pollution control: A guide to the use of water quality management principles

    Water quality - Guidelines, standards and health: Assessment of risk and risk management for water-related infectious disease

    Water quality assessments: A guide to the use of biota, sediments and water in environmental monitoring, 2nd ed.

    Water Quality Interventions to Prevent Diarrhoea: Cost and Cost-Effectiveness

    Water quality monitoring: A practical guide to the design and implementation of freshwater quality studies and monitoring programmes

    Water recreation and disease. Plausibility of associated infections: Acute effects, sequelae and mortality

    Water Safety Plan Manual: Step-by-step risk management for drinking-water suppliers

    Water safety plans: Managing drinking-water quality from catchment to consumer

    Water treatment and pathogen control: Process efficiency in achieving safe drinking water

    Water, Sanitation and Health electronic library

    Water, sanitation and hygiene links to health

    Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Standards for Schools in Low-cost Settings

    Waterborne zoonoses: identification, causes and control

    WHO core principles for achieving safe and sustainable management of health-care waste

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