• Improve organisational arrangements for hydrological, hydrometeorological and water quality data measurements, validation, analysis and storage
• Strengthen institutional and technical capabilities
• Improve physical facilities and services for hydrological, hydrometeorological and water quality data measurement, validation and analysis, and
• Improve the use of hydrological, hydrometeorological and water quality data.
The project was jointly funded by the World Bank, the Government of the Netherlands (who provided Grant Aid to support consultancy services) and the Government of India. Participating agencies included nine states (Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Tamil Nadu), and six central agencies (Ministry of Water Resources, Central Water Commission, Central Groundwater Board, National Institute of Hydrology, Central Water and Power Research Station, India Meteorological Department).
The second phase of the hydrology project was formulated in order to build on the achievements of the first phase, and extend the project into promotion and use of Hydrological Information System. The Project Appraisal Document of the World Bank (July 2004) describes the project formulation in detail.
For project implementation, the Project Implementation Plan prepared by the Ministry of Water Resources (May 2004) provides detail of activities to be undertaken by the various implementing agencies.
The second phase of the hydrology project provides for three components:
- Institutional strengthening
- Vertical extension, covering activities relating to consolidation of the work in the first phase of the project within the agencies that participated in the earlier project, and
- Horizontal extension, covering expansion of the network of implementing agencies to include four new states (Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Pondicherry, Punjab) and two new central agencies (Central Pollution Control Board, Bhakra Beas Management Board)