"With an average annual rainfall of 1,170 mm, India is one of the wettest countries in the world. Still, even with its rich natural water resources, with more than 300,000 square meters of bodies of water, the country is plagued by environmental issues such as water pollution from raw sewage and runoff of agricultural pesticides (Sharma, 2005). Another major problem is that tap water is not potable throughout the country. This implies that people, especially those from the lower income bracket, cannot avail of clean drinking water, since these have to be bought. Repugnant as it may sound, it is a reality that millions of Indians queue up everyday at public taps for one of life's most precious commodity — water." -ADB

Monday, 18 January 2010

Cascading Development in Hydro Power Projects

The Unsustainable Goal to "Convert every drop of river water into MW" makes the downstream stretch dry and eventually turns the river into "Isolated pool of water".

The issue needs utmost attention of policy makers as more and more cascading projects are coming up in the Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Sikkim.

These days, as many as 50% New Projects discussed at MOEF are located in Arunachal Pradesh alone.

Some Major Points:

  • River should get free stretch between one FRL and another TWL for its natural flow.
  • Project Specific Lean season EFR (Environmental flow) should be worked out in terms of discharge(in m^3/s) that should be released for downstream uses including sustenance of aquatic life adopting a scientific approach.
  • Basin planning is a MUST and it has already been started by NHPC and other proponents in the North East region.
  • EIA Notification 2006 is silent on the far downstream of the TWL. The Act's purview is limited upto 10 KM radius. Say, for example, Kaziranga National Park located 15 Kms downstream (radius) of a project's TWL, what remedy(EIA/EMP) can we have?Should there be a separate Impact Analysis for this kind of National Calamity?
  • Refer to Minutes of EAC of MoEF at
  • environmental-flows -EFR

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes all the 'major points' mentioned are well said. about EIA ya i do think that separate study would have to be taken in such cases and MoEF should identify such cases and conduct reaserch separatly

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